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Ecole H.J. Cody High School students succeed at Track and Field Provincials

Three students from Ecole H.J. Cody High School participated in this year's Track and Field Provincials in Edmonton

Three Ecole H.J. Cody High School students had success at the 2024 Alberta Schools' Athletic Association track and field provincials held in Edmonton on June 7 and June 8. 

Alyssa Mathieson earned gold in the intermediate high jump with a jump of 1.66 metres, Blaire Campbell earned silver in the junior 100 metre (13.17 seconds) and bronze in the 200m (26.19), while Serena Cleary took ninth place in shot put with a toss of 9.49m. 

Weather played a big factor, as rain and cold temperatures impact performances across the board. 

"It was really cold and very windy, so everything felt a little bit stiffer than normal, and it was a little harder," Mathieson said. 

"It was raining during my event and the wind was really cold. I think the weather did impact how everyone did because with track and field trying to get the explosive movements is more difficult when it is colder since your muscles and joints don't move as fast," Cleary said. 

While shot put isn't Cleary's main sport participating in it was enjoyable. 

"I enjoyed it because it was something new and it helped me to cross-train for other events. Basketball is my main sport so being able to work on getting stronger and some movements I did in shot put translate over," Cleary said. 

For Mathieson high jump is her sport. 

"I do Track and Field three times a week and I do all the training for it. I really like competing and it was a really cool experience to go represent the school," Mathieson said. 

The school community and staff at H.J. Cody have been very supportive, both girls said. 

"The staff here are just really encouraging and they believed in me. Their belief in me helped me with my confidence going in – along with all my friends – they are just like 'yeah we know you can do it', so that helps me power through everything," Mathieson said, adding she hopes to continue with high jump in the future. 

"Many of the teachers here have supported me and helped me to make sure I'm doing the right things to perform to the best of my ability. They are there to support me and cheer me on," Cleary said. 

H.J. Cody has a growing track and field team and the school is very proud of its athletes, Principal Alex Lambert said.

"Our students were outstanding ambassadors of our school. Having these students as the face of H.J. Cody at provincials, we're just incredibly proud of them."


Sarah Baker

About the Author: Sarah Baker

I joined Black Press in March 2023 and am looking forward to sharing stories about the local communities.
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